The Preparation

Come now..don’t you have anything to me to say?

My son, I can talk ‘till your hair turns gray.
But still, it would not prove me in your day.
I do have something concerning the preparation,
It is obvious to us that you all need to be put in a tranquil meditation.
To preserve your anxious situation,
My children, thus far you have all witnessed many events in this mention.
Many events have occurred for this intention,
More promises by our vibration,
Can only hurt our existing sensation.
You all must understand,
That what is happening to you is not in your hand.
Be it now safe to you I say this: Our intention thus far,
Has put you all upon our star.
It seems that this has created unknown reaction.
What is needed from your dedication,
Is that one missing pronunciation, “IMAGINATION.”
Imagination thus far in you all has been uncertain.
So let me open our curtain
And reveal to you the pain that has been hurting.
The time has come to clear up the haze,
And to put you all in front of the maze.
Your achievements thus far have been observed by my gaze.
And I offer to your dedication, the utmost praise.
What has been revealed to you,
Is as factual as one plus one equals two.
This alone is a phrase of might,
Which is an answer to any argumental fight.
A reality such as this display,
Can only be proven in such a way,
It does not matter what I say,
You must live your day by day.
As real as you all are to our view,
Is the reality that is in front of you.
Nothing can be done to console your desire,
Except that which I say to put out your anxious fire.
Now, something involving what is real,
Is quite often reflected by what you feel.
Each passing phase of this actuality,
Is being produced with the utmost dependability.
Power comes through by the way of surge,
And this power is what gives you all the urge.
The urge so strong,
To prove the right from the wrong.
The urge with such power,
Created the identity of the flower.
Whether you my son, is called a prophet of men,
Or whether you my son, is called a charlatan,
You must undergo one major clarification,
And this is the fact that for you there is no crucifixion
And above all there is no failure involving your destination.
Thus far, with the help of all around,
Ye had been taken from here and planted upon the ground,
To insure the positive production,
Of this historical reproduction.
We mastered the plan that shall not fail,
So that you shall not be struck by the nail.
Placed around your waist,
Are those who represent our taste.
The family of thee,
Represents our guarantee
For your safety.
They are untouchable by physical harm.
And this is why you all do not need a good luck charm.
Face the facts as they are
Understand why you all had been sent from this star.
There can be no alteration to the prophecy,
This is not a fantasy,
Or a mystifying odyssey.
What you have is as real as me and you
And what has been delivered is for you to do.
All of you involved are in the same situation
And this is a repeated observation.
Mental capacity has to remain in a high donation,
So that we can induce the accurate pronunciation
Into the MIND, BODY and SOUL of your vibration.
So that we can be as one,
And as one to reveal once again the identity of the SON.


®1985 Zaher P. Kury All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means,
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